Archive for the ‘Strive’ Category

Is heel pain holding you back?

plantar-fasciitisA common cause of heel pain is known as Plantar Fasciitis.

The plantar fascia (PF) is a band of connective tissue on the underside of the foot that enables us to effectively push off from the ground when running or walking.

It connects from the ball to the heel of the foot.

If the plantar fascia becomes inflamed or irritated usually by overloading or overstretching you may feel heel pain.

Plantar fascia can also be irritated by a heel spur.

Signs and symptoms

The most common symptom is pain on the inside of the heel – especially on taking your first step after sitting for extended periods or in the morning.

The pain may be sharp and may be accompanied by mild swelling.


You may be at risk if you…

  • recently increased activities such as running that places a lot of stress on the heel bone
  • spend a lot of time standing. Occupations/activities where you are standing for long periods standing on your feet can load the Plantar fascia
  • are middle aged. As we age, muscles supporting the arch of the foot can weaken leading to an increased load on the Plantar fascia.
  • wear shoes that don’t fully support the arch of your foot eg thongs or increased periods of barefoot
  • are overweight. An increase in weight places a greater mechanical load on the Plantar Fascia
  • are pregnant. An increase in weight combined with hormonal changes and swelling can increase the mechanical load on the Plantar Fascia

You may also be at risk if your foot has …

  • poor foot biomechanics eg, excessive foot pronation
  • either a flat or excessively high arch – both put strain on the Plantar Fascia

There are treatments

The good news is that there are many treatments that are highly effective for managing plantar fasciitis. These include:

  • manual therapy to correct foot biomechanics and reduce the load on the Plantar Fascia
  • foot taping and/or orthosis
  • stretching and strengthening muscles contributing to the mechanical loading

Are you experiencing heel pain?

If you are currently experiencing ongoing heel pain, which is worse in the mornings or post activity, don’t hesitate to call us on 9819 6151.

At Strive Physio we not only treat your symptoms but will correct any underlying causes to get you moving well again for the long term.

The Importance of Warming Up

dreamstime_xl_46146163-300Why warm up

Warming up prepares the body for exercise by increasing:

  • blood flow to muscles and hence the nutrients the muscles require for activity
  • blood flow to heart preparing the heart muscle for exercise
  • oxygen delivery to muscles
  • speed of nerve impulses


Warming up also decreases:

  • Muscle viscosity leading to smoother muscle contractions and increased mechanical efficiency
  • Stiffness of connective tissue and likelihood of tears

Research shows …

Structured warm up programs designed to prevent injuries can reduce injury risk by 50% or more.

How best to warm up prior to exercise

The most effective warm up should last consists of a:

  1. Pulse raisers
  2. General exercises
  3. Specific exercises


Pulse raisers


A pulse raiser is designed to gradually increase heart rate (temperature, blood flow and oxygen) to your muscles, preparing the body for exercise.A suitable pulse raiser could be
  • jogging
  • cycling or
  • skipping
TIP: Start slowly and gradually increase.


General exercises


General exercises are designed to improve your range of motion in preparation for the type of exercise you are about to do.The best type of exercises are dynamic and can include exercises like:
  • high knee running
  • walking lunges with a twist
  • jump squats and
  • arm circles

Specific Exercises


Sports specific exercises usually come in the form of drills which repeat common movement patterns and skills you are likely to use in your sport. For example,
  • cutting manoeuvres
  • overhead serves
  • hitting practice
  • passing drills

Warming up – how much is enough?


There is no reliable data to prescribe the intensity and duration of a warm up. It is up to the individual to determine.TIP: But a rule of thumb mild is mild sweating without fatigue.


The effect of the warm up lasts around 30 minutes so it is important not to warm up too early and remember it is just as important to cool down after.


Like some help?


We’d be pleased to help you develop a warm-up routine that will keep you moving well.

The rotator cuff and shoulder pain

rotator-cuffMuscles in the rotator cuff allow the should to rotate

The rotator cuff is a group of tendons and muscles in the shoulder, connecting the upper arm (humerus) to the shoulder blade (scapula).

They include:

• Supraspinaturs
• Infraspinatus
• Teres Minor
• Subscapularis

The rotator cuff tendon attaches the muscles to the head of the arm bone (humerus).  It provides stability to the shoulder joint. When either the muscles and/or tendon is damaged, it can cause shoulder pain.  The pain may limit your ability to  lift your arm up overhead, making everyday movements difficult to do.


Common Rotator Cuff Conditions

Rotator cuff tear:  an injury that tears a rotator cuff tendon usually already weakened by age or wear and tear. Symptoms include weakness in the affected arm and pain when sleeping on the affected shoulder.

Rotator cuff tendinopathy: repetitive overhead use of the affected arm (such as painting or throwing) causes swelling and cellular changes in the tendon, leading to pain at rest, on movement and at night.

Rotator cuff impingement:  the tendons of the rotator cuff are squeezed between the humerus and a bone called the acromion. Symptoms and treatment of impingement are similar to rotator cuff tendinopathy but there are many different causes of impingement.   Rotator cuff tendonopathy often leads to impingement.

Subacromial bursitis: inflammation of the small sac of fluid (bursa) that cushions the rotator cuff tendons from a nearby bone (the acromion).

Managing rotator cuff shoulder pain?

  • Relative rest from the aggravating movement and applying ice locally will help reduce acute shoulder pain levels.
  • Physiotherapy will reduce pain levels further and improve shoulder range of motion.  Treatment includes soft tissue therapy, joint mobilisation, dry needling, taping and posture correction.
  • Exercise therapy, especially rotator cuff strengthening exercises, will help prevent further irritation.

Prevention is key

To manage and prevent ongoing episodes it is important to correct the faulty biomechanics of the shoulder through targeted shoulder exercises.

This is where physiotherapy can help!

At Strive Physiotherapy Drummoyne, we can correctly diagnose the cause of your shoulder pain, ensuring the appropriate exercises are prescribed to get you back to the things you love to do.

Call us on 9819 6151 for an appointment.

Osteoarthritis Management

dreamstime_s_23250676-300What is osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a condition where cartilage (the protective covering over the ends of your bones) becomes thin and starts to wear away.

This cartilage is what stops the bones in your joints from rubbing against each other.

Damage to cartilage can cause your joints to:

  • become painful, stiff or swollen
  • feel like they might lock up or give way

NOTE: It is also possible to have osteoarthritis and not feel any symptoms at all.

What causes osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis has no specific cause, however we know several factors lead to it’s development including:

  • excess weight
  • previous injury to a joint
  • overuse
  • genetics

The most common symptoms are stiffness, particularly first thing in the morning or after resting, and pain.

Affected joints, most commonly the hands, spine, hips and knees, may get swollen after extended activity.


How to manage osteoarthritis


One of the most beneficial ways to manage osteoarthritis is to get moving.


While it may be hard to think of exercise when the joints hurt, moving is considered an important part of the treatment plan.


Studies show that simple activities like walking around the neighbourhood or taking a fun, easy exercise class can reduce pain and help maintain (or attain) a healthy weight.


  • Strengthening exercises build muscles around osteoarthritis-affected joints, easing the burden on those joints and reducing pain.
  • Range-of-motion exercise like pilates helps maintain and improve joint flexibility and reduce stiffness.
  • Aerobic exercise helps to improve stamina and energy levels and also help to reduce excess weight.

At Strive Physiotherapy Drummoyne we can help you manage osteoarthritis so you can keep moving well.  Call us for an assessment and advice regarding safe and beneficial exercises for you to do on 9819 6151.


Sprains and Strains

sprains-and-strainsSprains and strains are injuries to the muscles, ligaments and tendons or ‘soft tissue’ of the body.

They usually occur during sports and exercise activities, but sometimes simple everyday activities can lead to a soft tissue injury.


A sprain is a stretch and/or tear of a ligament, (connective tissue that passes from one end of the bone to another) and/or the joint capsule. Ligaments stabilize joints and limit unwanted movements.

The areas of your body that are most vulnerable to sprains are your:

• ankles
• knees and
• wrists

A sprained ankle can occur when your foot turns inward, placing extreme tension on the ligaments of your outer ankle. A sprained knee can be the result of a sudden twist, and a wrist sprain can occur when falling on an outstretched hand.


A strain is an injury to a muscle and/or tendons.

Tendons are fibrous cords of tissue that attach muscles to the bone. During movement, muscles contract to perform an action. Excessive pressure or load on the muscles during these movements can damage muscle fibres and/or the tendons resulting in local bleeding, bruising, and pain.

Strains often occur in your:

• lower leg (calf muscles)
• upper leg (typically the hamstring)
• groin or
• back

Degrees of severity of a sprain or strain

Soft tissue injuries are graded according to their severity and include:

Grade I – some fibres are torn and the site is moderately painful and swollen, but function and strength are mostly unaffected.

Grade II – many fibres are torn and the site is painful and swollen, with some loss of function and strength. If a ligament is sprained there is usually some instability in the joint.

Grade III– the soft tissue is totally torn, with considerable loss of function and strength. If a ligament sprain there is usually significant instability in the joint. Grade III injuries often need surgical repair.

Symptoms of sprains and strains

While the intensity varies symptoms of sprains and strains include:

• Pain
• Bruising
• Swelling
• Inflammation
• Weakness of muscles or tendon
• Instability around the affected joint

Treatment for sprains and strains

Most soft tissue injuries will take 3-6 weeks to heal properly.

It is important to get the correct treatment as soon after the injury as possible to help recovery and reduce the risk of further injury. This is where physiotherapy can get you back to moving well again.

In the first 24 hours after injury:
• RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)
• Avoid exercise, alcohol and massage which can increase swelling.
• If symptoms become worse in the first 24 hours seek medical attention.

Mild to moderate sprains and strains
Treatments such as mobilisation and soft tissue therapy; bracing and electrotherapy can help you recover quicker. Exercise therapy to restore full strength and flexibility is an important part your treatment, particularly if you are returning to sport.

Severe sprains and strains
May require surgery. You will need a review and advice from a Sports Physician and/or Orthopaedic surgeon.

