We provide Telehealth Physiotherapy via digital platforms to keep you moving well.

Telehealth Physiotherapy is a safe, effective and evidence based method of delivering physiotherapy services via a digital platform (computer, phone or tablet) from the comfort of your own home.

Telehealth Physiotherapy is particularly helpful for new or existing patients who:

  • have mobility issues
  • may not need hands on treatment,  (for example needing exercise prescription or other non-hands on treatments)
  • live remotely from the clinic 
  • who are isolating

The process is the same as a face to face consult at the clinic.  A case history will be taken to identify what the issue is. You may be asked to perform some movements to help identify your condition. You will be given an explanation of your condition and a treatment plan targeted to your needs.

There are many benefits of telehealth physiotherapy.

  • it is safe, effective and easy to use
  • it is convenient and can be done in the comfort and privacy of your home
  • it is funded by Medicare and Private Health
  • you can access telehealth physiotherapy on phones, tablets and computers
  • it can effectively assess new conditions or maintain your treatment program if you are immobile or isolating.

Email us at hello@strivephysiotherapy.com.au with Telehealth Consult in the Subject Headline.


